This is a co-education school for boys and girls and admission is open to all irrespective of caste and creed. Admission is completed after the application has been processed by the Management and the parent is informed of its decision to admit the child officially. Information on the admission is available in the office all through the Year with the necessary reading materials. The query can be made using any of the Means such as office visit, phone, and filling fields in the website.
The admission process comprises the following steps
➾ Obtaining the prospectus and the application forms from MAPS Office
➾ Submitting the duly filled application form at the school office before the date given from the school
➾ Appearing with the child for interaction
➾Communication from the school office to the parents regarding the status of the admission
➾ Submission of the documents and payment of fee
3 Years and 6 Months
Grace IV
8 Years and 6 Months
4 Years and 6 Months
Grade V
9 Years and 6 Months
Grade I
5 Years and 6 Months
Grade VI
10 Years and 6 Months
Grade II
6 Years and 6 Months
Grade VII
11 Years and 6 Months
Grade III
7 Years and 6 Months
Grade VIII
12 Years and 6 Months
MAPS Office will inform the parents of the date of interaction with the Principal. The principal will personally interact with each new applicant and to the parent. It aims at informing the parents regarding the MAPS Culture and what the school expects from the parents. The students seeking admission to Kindergarten will not be assessed academically. The students seeking admission to the above grades will be academically assessed to understand at which level they are positioned.
If the parents accept the admission offered by the School, they are expected to follow the guidelines given from the office. Admission is confirmed only after the receipt of the following items in the Office of Admissions